Monday, November 9, 2009

thoughts in morning bus to office

This is just what i wanted.A place to pen down the thoughts I had today morning..
Well I was coming to office... as usual...this morning wen suddenly from no where..terrorism started occupying my mind!! can't recollect where this came from.. going to office in the morning!
But then, I started thinking on it and thought hw miserable the governments are right now in their fight against terrorism.If anything, its only assuming greater proportions day by day. Just get the feeling this war is here to stay for a long time!! :( :(

But wait a minute...are we really moving ahead sensibly in this great war against terrorism? So, what has been our action so far..( By 'our', I mean America of course :P :P)Bombing Afghanistan...and now, bombing Pakistan..So, what does bombing lead to? fear? Of course!! we have designed laws in our society and suitable punishments to handle civilians breaking those laws...and how does this work? by the emotion of fear.. I have this great fear that if I try to rob someone I'll end up in I won't.

But isn't terrorism a completely different ball game? What is the primary emotion which motivates terrorists? Its frustration. Its not greed of land,money or woman. Its frustration. A boy in a village who is sick of his pathetically miserable life...with no hope of prosperity or a meaning in life...with no opportunities....what is he supposed to do? He is of course, the perfect guy to be hired by the hardcore managers. He is led into an aim in life..He is made to believe he is here for an kill people in the name of god..and this guy, finally has an ambition in life!A chance to be glorious, atleast in his own eyes! What motivates him to undergo such intense training? To undergo such intense physical and mental pain? It is his poverty..and hopelessness of his ordinary life...A life in which he sees no future..because the government is far too ignorant to give him a job, an opportunity to move forward in life.

It is so important to remember the primary emotion which feeds these terrorists.Its 'anger'. Unlike past wars which were fought for greed or ego, this one is a different case.
These people thrive on anger and frustration. These are the basic ingredients which fuel their motivation levels. And what do we think when we are bombing cities in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Well, we are basically trying to either kill all of them altogether( which is not possible!) or we are trying to overpower their anger and frustration with 'fear'( which I don't think is possible either, for many of them)

In other words, our strategy till now has been not to decrease the anger but overpower it with fear. This is a completely disastrous strategy in my view.

For a start, we need to increase the prosperity levels of general population in these areas. We need to give them the hope that their IS a better life awaiting them if they give up this mindless violence. But unfortunately, bombing cities is a much easier and convenient thing to do than increase prosperity levels right?

Look at Saudi-Arabia..Qatar..countries in that area...these are prosperous arab countries. And this is, in my opinion one of the most important reasons why there is no terrorism in this part.

Okay, got to attend a meeting at 2...c ya!!

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