Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thoughts on a breezy weekend midnight..

Perfect! Cudn't get a more awesome setting than dis! Saturday night...11:11 pm....nice cool breeze( too gud..srsly!!) one around me in dis beautiful lawn...(just get the intuition dat sadistic watchkeeper will be wandering here and there and ready to shout at me in five min.)....and red wine at my left :) :) all thanks to photon+ and my company :D

Alone@home!!Mix solitude with such a romantic environment and u get dat feeeel!!!! Anyways, shud nt forget I thought of this activity only to pen my thoughts lets get to d point!

Just saw Mr. Wilson on TV. He's on an all-India tour to promote his muvi and is having a nice time..
okay enough of Mr. Wilson crap. Saw Aamir Khan on TV. dis guy's nt visiting metros bt some weird cities....Varanasi!!( i mean its nt a weird city bt why wud someone go to such a place to promote his muvi 3 idiots!!)...a city called Panpur in Madhya Pradesh...Kolkata...just get the feeling he's just roaming around and meeting people in interesting avatars....but why are we discussing such a stupid topic!!
Wanted to delve into the topic of change...change..something without which we can't really go on..everyone wants delta...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

thoughts after lunch on a siestic afternoon..( preparing for gre :P :P)

So back I am...omg am i getting addicted to dis...the 4th one! had some disturbing while on a stroll after lunch...and isn't this a great place to pen those thoughts down...( for my reference later :) )

and what ws my mind niggling at today?? Nationalism!! just saw a 10 min video made by some US guy at he's done a tremendous work i tel eye-opener...and makes one think so much more clearly!! highly recommende for everyone to see the picture...

So wat really came into my mind while I was having that stroll on 2nd floor car-parking area...nationalism...just got the feeling nationalism is the most dangerous idea to be thought of by man..nationalism...if three hundred indians, three hundred afghans, three hundred pakistanis and three hundred americans died in a terrorist attack, which news will shock me the most? Well, depends on my nationality and depends which nations are my nation's friends and foes...of course yar!! i'm an Xian first and then a human being.. the fact that in all cases three hundred human-beings died makes much less than than what was their nationality..

So, the immediate argument one cud give is am I simply correlating nationalism with other factors which divide human-beings...caste...color..race...religion..of course I am! makes perfect sense doesn't it? Division based on the state cud and may be is potentially the most dangerous form of division among human-beings because of the most powerful body as the leader of respective divisions...i.e. the state.

if some nation 'leader' dare attack american soil he better have be more precise...let the people of that nation better have it..ok i'll continue for sure bt right nw i'm feeling sleepy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

thoughts on a completely vehla afternoon in office

This seems so i have nothing really to do rt nw?? hw can i be so vehla!! :O :O lol!! wasn't i supposed to be freakin' busy in office and no time for anything else!! dis is so unlike busy!!

anyways, i don't really hv any random thoughts right nw!! just feeling so passively passive...nothing's really going on..probably in a moment some bug will come from vinay...fix this asap! ha! and i'll be busy again! so lets just wonder if thr is no work to do at one's life...would he be pissed off completely? i really think yes to that one!! no idea wat u think!!

does this imply we really need something...some aim...or something to look forward have a satisfying life...just wonder if someone gave Mr. Wilson a million dollars and asked him to watch TV and eat Lays all his life...he'll be dead in one year i bet!

So that brings us to an interesting conclusion...we need work man!!! forget bucks!! we need work to go on!! we'd do ourself a world of good if we can manage to find work! we hate following that boring routine..get up 7 am...hv a bath( or wash ur face thats it :P :P) and run to catch that shuttle...just wonder do i really feel happier on a saturda..or a sunday mrng...not these days atleast...because its worst than weekdays!! you hv nothing to do suddenly!! and why is dat?? coz ur too lazy fucker!! :-X :-X come on be a sport!! you can do better!! bt why do i say this? is it some kind of an agenda to go hv an outing on weekends? if Mr. Wilson feels lazy and is happier just sitting home and watchin TV so be it! wats the prob over here? Mr. Wilson can always o hv fun wen he wants to!! He's his own boss!:) :) doesn't require a stupid lecture tellig him hw to live his life!! cool!

Well that implies the only real source of excitement/happiness is supposed to come from work!! OMG!! wat did we just say? wasn't work supposed to be something to get over with? Wasn't getting independent from work on weekends supposed to be your way to happiness!! OMG OMG!! Just get the feeling work has way more importance in deciding the quality of Mr. Wilson's life.
Well then lets get to business. Right nw Mr. Wilson works in a company..Monday to Friday...He works on some customer support web-based tool which is useful thing for the company's customers doing migration. So does he enjoy his work? Well, he doesn't really get that intellectual stimulation he talks about sometimes, that frequently but fine, its a decent role for a fresher..with time Mr. Wilson will start managing people (interns :P :P for a start).Looks good? But Mr. Wilson feels he's nt really qualified for the job in case it gets tougher!! Mr. Wilson senses that with time, its going to really get tight on his time and mental energy! Mr. Wilson wantsa to be in a position to command respect from his peers for doing top-quality work and not really slog! Mr. Wilson realizes that their is happiness in store for everyone@work if the company is gud and recognizes quality work( provided the guy does quality work!!) Mr. Wilson realizes thr's a tradeOff at every time and u got to choose something over the other. Mr. Wilson isn't really crazy about a flashy lifestyle but he atleast desires that he/his family shud never feel in want of more money coz they cannot buy some basic stuff!! ( by basic stuff i don't mean a merc!! :P but atleast a decent car!) But at the same time, r. Wilson realizes if he's really made to do this? i.e. work from 8:30 to 7:00 five days a week( sometimes more, I can assure you!) for the main aim of getting that monthly pay cheque? Mr. Wilson sort of gets uncomfortable when he faces this question and his neck starts aching a bit!! He feels like a small part of that herd which is going on and on and on...has no idea why its going on and on..
So Mr. Wilson starts thinking of alternatives.The first thing that comes to Mr. Wilson's mind is starting a business. Alright! :) :) This seems fun!! But shortly enough, Mr. Wilson gets scared!! :( :( Suddenly job starts making so much more sense!! business? OMG!! who will take care of my immature and stupid errors over thr? Do i even hv a second chance if i fail over thr? isn't business the key to loss of peace in one's life?? Mr. Wilson starts wondering now..okay why did I think of an alternative to start with? Because I feel I'm part of the herd...remember the statement? Mr. Wilson wud also like to do something which makes him retire rich at age of mid forties... no work after dat!! seems pretty cool ideaa! hey bt didn't i say work is so important to keep one moving on and on!! OMG!! Mr. Wilson is terribly confused!! Seems to be caught in a trap! Need help!!! Is someone out there??

You see, Mr. Wilson realizes he's nt really a super-intelligent or a talented guy who will overcome all these major problems so smoothly!! After all these are some of the great problems of mankind!! Mr. Wilson realizes his children will also face the same must hv Mr. Wilson's parents!! Mr. Wilson is basically a happy-go-lucky guy( although with a dumb expression on his face most of the times!! :P :P) who doesn't want to enter into any mess. He values peace of mind sooo much!! more than everything is the primary... single most important thing in his then..Mr. Wilson thinks again? is he really an eligible candidate to enter into this sea? Well, so many guys have entered and had f*** of a journey!! Does Mr. Wilson want this? Doesn't seem like Mr. Wilson wants to enter into this! You know what, if some angel came into Mr. Wilson's dreams and told him that he is officially not qualified to do business, he'd be more than happy! He finally got a certificate that he can't do this thing! So no guilt feeling!! Wow what a relief for Mr. Wilson..nw he can happily carry on wid his regular job! No more confusion! Just focus on the job Mr. Wilson!! You'll do good! Take care of your health too! Why you didn't do well in college Wilson? Because you lost all the focus! You didn't apply much of mind Mr. Wilson! But thats acceptable atleast you pondered over it!

Okay so Mr. Wilson is clear that he won't quit his job and start a business! Instead Mr. Wilson will focus ard now and let his true potential make him shine in his job! Because Mr. Wilson knows he has brains! And a person with brains and without opportunity can really suffer, Mr. Wilson knows that. I think Mr. Wilson shud srsly consider building on his skills and make full use of his potential on his job! And don't get burnt out Mr. Wilson..remember Guruji is alwaya with you! :P :P and so is this wonderful blog!! Take care!

Monday, November 9, 2009

thoughts in morning bus to office

This is just what i wanted.A place to pen down the thoughts I had today morning..
Well I was coming to office... as usual...this morning wen suddenly from no where..terrorism started occupying my mind!! can't recollect where this came from.. going to office in the morning!
But then, I started thinking on it and thought hw miserable the governments are right now in their fight against terrorism.If anything, its only assuming greater proportions day by day. Just get the feeling this war is here to stay for a long time!! :( :(

But wait a minute...are we really moving ahead sensibly in this great war against terrorism? So, what has been our action so far..( By 'our', I mean America of course :P :P)Bombing Afghanistan...and now, bombing Pakistan..So, what does bombing lead to? fear? Of course!! we have designed laws in our society and suitable punishments to handle civilians breaking those laws...and how does this work? by the emotion of fear.. I have this great fear that if I try to rob someone I'll end up in I won't.

But isn't terrorism a completely different ball game? What is the primary emotion which motivates terrorists? Its frustration. Its not greed of land,money or woman. Its frustration. A boy in a village who is sick of his pathetically miserable life...with no hope of prosperity or a meaning in life...with no opportunities....what is he supposed to do? He is of course, the perfect guy to be hired by the hardcore managers. He is led into an aim in life..He is made to believe he is here for an kill people in the name of god..and this guy, finally has an ambition in life!A chance to be glorious, atleast in his own eyes! What motivates him to undergo such intense training? To undergo such intense physical and mental pain? It is his poverty..and hopelessness of his ordinary life...A life in which he sees no future..because the government is far too ignorant to give him a job, an opportunity to move forward in life.

It is so important to remember the primary emotion which feeds these terrorists.Its 'anger'. Unlike past wars which were fought for greed or ego, this one is a different case.
These people thrive on anger and frustration. These are the basic ingredients which fuel their motivation levels. And what do we think when we are bombing cities in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Well, we are basically trying to either kill all of them altogether( which is not possible!) or we are trying to overpower their anger and frustration with 'fear'( which I don't think is possible either, for many of them)

In other words, our strategy till now has been not to decrease the anger but overpower it with fear. This is a completely disastrous strategy in my view.

For a start, we need to increase the prosperity levels of general population in these areas. We need to give them the hope that their IS a better life awaiting them if they give up this mindless violence. But unfortunately, bombing cities is a much easier and convenient thing to do than increase prosperity levels right?

Look at Saudi-Arabia..Qatar..countries in that area...these are prosperous arab countries. And this is, in my opinion one of the most important reasons why there is no terrorism in this part.

Okay, got to attend a meeting at 2...c ya!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thoughts on an evening in office

Hey why am I getting this urge to write today!! I have nothing to write...nothing special happened in recent past...even if it happened I won't feel the urge to write about it..why wtf is going on!! Am I soo bored!!! Do I have no idea what soever where am I heading towards ...its almost like I am living without thinking...whatever's going on..just let it happen!!OMG! this has to stop! can't go on like this then the thinkers are the ones with some special abilities right? like alee who has this artistic passion..or sharvil's vlsi...or himanshu's passion d i have!!! nothing at all! may be i like selling things!! yeah!! managing oasis stall was the most satisfying experience in bitsian life!! bt then that was a no-pressure job!! i don't like selling under pressure do I! where you hv to meet company targets or you are screwed!! nay!!!! bt then this present life is sooo passive...nothing really is going on..just surviving...breathing and consuming food...this cannot be to much more satisfying than this...why am i doing nothing about this...because this is the convenient thing to do?? getting decent money on 28th of every month..just doing some gen coding here and there...but does it make sense in the long run? no definitely not..then how come I am doing nothing about it...simply because nothing bad is really one day i know i'll wake up and say this is enough...i got to live my version of i am feeling sleepy again..because this is again going in the direction of same old random thoughts..i'll publish this on random thoughts not on this blog..hey may be car racing!!:) :) i won a leather wallet in the company in toy-car racing world championship!! i would typically want financial freedom first..yes that is a good aim and something interesting right?? financial freedom? getting fixed amount of money every month without working at all!! that's cool!! bt do i need an mba for that?? indications suggest that most of the mba's end up working 15 hours for an abc company...far from not working at many of us can be chetan bhagats!! so mba is not a gud idea probably if financial freedom is what i want... in fact a comp sc. masters degree wud be a better bet!! no financial freedom here better money probably!!wat am i talking about...we were supposed to talk about passion right? whats going on!! bt surely, working for the sole purpose of money can be extremely boring...u got to hv intellectual stimulation out of ur job! So am i being way too lazy...what do i do basically when i go tv...cook some bit of newspaper and lol! go to sleep to start tomorrow's day again! OMG! no no no! :( :( hey wait a minute..are we being too unrealistic on expectations from life.. I mean life ws so boring for or boring wasn't it? the carpenter did carpenting all his life..and so did his son..and so did his...wake up everyday...and start peeling off that wooden slab sor smoothness...craftsmenship...same thing again and again..wasn't this thing supposed to be boring!! wake up guys!! life is not supposed to be a cakewalk!! its extremely challenging to sustain life lets be clear about it!! an average human being today doesn't even have the time to think on these lines...that his life is boring..because he's busy making ends meet! come on man!! i'm just plain lucky to get admission in a top college and get a well-paying job at 22! and now i'm crying that i have a boring life!! what luxurious talks!! i think it will be quite gud for me to spend time on weekends doing mediatation :) :) and some community work..this sunday i've got a wonderful opportunity and i'm going to be there!!koramangala 10:30 am!! looking forward to it! in the meantime, I think I'm convinced that these are really baseless talks to think life is getting boring..if it is, then get up and do something gud..doing an mba and selling soap is not going to make my life need to be so obsessive that my life is going no where!! who are you dude!! please remember we all are just gen living species..we eat and live for some time..then we go..we're not here on some agenda...but yes, unlike animals who can't think this complex like us, we have the opportunity to have a great time on the earth..and we also have the potential to live a hellish life..which basically arises if we are obsessed about the phenomenon called life..just be thankful..and grateful for each naturally..listen to your body..if it says eat..then eat..if it says sleep..then sleep..if it says think..then think..and do lots of can make us strong enough to withstand pain..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009